
Thus it begins... again

So here we go. Again. I've started and stopped this blogging thing about 10 times now. In an attempt to remove all of the complexities of the whole affair, and to cure myself of "tinker-itis", I have gone with the blogger account that you see before you now. Why start it up again you ask? Ah, now that's where the story begins.

I was diagnosed recently (after about 2 gallons of blood and a biopsy later) with a condition called N.A.S.H. You are more than welcome to google it and read all about it, but in a nut shell it means that if I am carrying any extra weight (anything over 15-18% body fat, my liver will be suffering the same effects as if I were an alcoholic. Leave it unchecked over years and you have cirrhosis. So there it is, lose weight or lose my liver.

I started an account over at www.fitday.com, which I am loving more and more everyday. I am using it to track my exercise routine. It is far more functional than that, and I am sure that I will use it more and more as time goes on, but for now I am happy having it record activities. I am using a spreadsheet to track several key physical measurements along with weight and body fat %. This blogger account will be my 'journal' through the whole thing, and hopefully over time it will grow to cover much, much more.

So here we go.

240 lbs.

30% body fat.

A long way to go.


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