
My Dedicated Follower

My desire to blog has come and gone many times over the years. I have been in a down turn in that cycle for about a year and a half now. I barely even remembered that this place existed.

Twitter has changed that for me. I use twitter constantly now, and find myself wanting more at times. 140 characters only goes so far. In light of that, I'm going to give this place a little more attention.

Google Analytics tells me that I have a visitor that stops by everyday. Someone in the Kearney Nebraska region. After dedication like that, I thought she deserved a special shout-out. So here you go:

Hey Liza. Good thing I have the Flickr and Twitter updaters in the toolbar, huh? Otherwise, this would have been painful. Here's to more content!


At 12/12/2008 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I've just been announced @ the Emmy Awards and I haven't prepared a speech..... Thank You!


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